Cap Rate List

Use the Cap Rate List tool to search for the average Cap Rate (Capitalization Rate) by top US cities and states. For your convenience, the list also includes the average cap rate for the main property types: Single-Family, Multi-Family, Retail, Office, Industrial, and Specialty. You can filter by state by using the drop box below, or you can search for the city, state and zip code using the search box. Click on the column name to sort the column data by ascending or descending order.

Results: 20 of 249

Filter: State: UT

City State Zip Code Average Cap Rate Single-Family Multi-Family Retail Office Industrial Specialty
Alpine UT All 6.90 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Alpine UT 84004 6.90 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
American Fork UT All 6.47 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
American Fork UT 84003 6.40 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Bicknell UT All 8.79 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Bicknell UT 84715 8.79 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Blanding UT All 7.78 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Blanding UT 84511 8.46 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Bluffdale UT All 5.53 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Bountiful UT All 6.70 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Bountiful UT 84010 6.52 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Brigham City UT All 5.08 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Brigham City UT 84302 5.64 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Castle Dale UT All 7.50 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Castle Dale UT 84513 7.50 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Cedar City UT All 7.47 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Cedar City UT 84720 8.18 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Centerfield UT All 4.37 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Centerfield UT 84622 5.28 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.
Centerville UT All 6.05 *This data requires Professional Pass membership.

Last updated: 2025-01-19 11:23:07 - v1.6